Right, I planned my official menu today and ordered my stuff from Tesco set for delivery on the Tuesday before. We're having our dinner on the Sunday afternoon, since we have to work on the day and I wanted to have a day beforehand to make some preparations ahead of time.
Sooo... here it is!
Turkey crown (wrapped in streaky bacon with treacle)
Allspice gravy
Cranberry sauce (maybe more like a cranberry-orange relish)
Allspice gravy
Roasted potatoes with duck fat (yeah, I know this is a Christmas thing, but too good to pass up and I was given two big jars of premium duck fat, so why not?! I could eat roasties every day!)
Sweet potato mash (going to keep this one simple as the in laws weren't too keen on the marshmallows when I made it last time. But I will probably add a bit of brown sugar and cinnamon, etc.)
Sauteed asparagus in garlic butter
Corn casserole (my BFF's recipe)
Maple pecan squares
Pumpkin pie with walnut streusel topping and brandy whipped cream
Also will have a bottle of brandy and a bottle of Hazelnut Bailey's for afters.