That's not even food!!

I do love my cranberry sauce, but it has to be my own homemade stuff with grated orange rind and lashings of Grand Marnier!
I'll back you up on this one, chary!

I'm lazier, though--I just bung the cranberries in a pan with a little water, cook gently until they're tender and popping, add a bit of sugar (not too much--I like it sour!) and stir until it's dissolved. Add a bit of orange juice and try not to eat it all before dinner.

I've discovered recently that a tiny bit of allspice gives it a really warm, rounded flavor.
My absolute favorite thing, though, is the cranberry-orange relish. Fresh cranberries and whole orange(s), ground up and sweetened to taste. The best way is in an old-fashioned meat grinder, which can be hard to find these days--I was SO happy the year my mom got me one for Christmas! The joke in our family is that there's less sugar in the cran-orange every year, so that nobody else wants it and my mom and I get it all to ourselves.

Already bought my pecans from Lidl-so I'm set for pecan pie.
Lidl has pecans?!! I'll have to go check it out! I asked my MIL to get some from Trader Joe's...and she got pieces instead of halves.