Was invited along to a friend's church's Thanksgiving meal. One of the big guys in their church is an American dude and apparently he always has a Thanksgiving. They potluck it, etc.
Whilst I'm not into their church thing (mega-church, born again Christians, cool for them, just not for me!!!) - they are indeed lovely, nice people (having been to my friend's son's blessing I met several of them) and it's nice to be invited along to the most American of holidays!
It's on Thanksgiving Day though and I am so busy this month -I'm busy working all day and then I have something, planned for a while, to do that evening, and I can't afford to even make a big sharing dish of something until payday (which is T-day itself). So I had to respectfully decline.

Not even entirely sure if I will even make myself a T-day meal, I may wait until my Christmas night out to get my turkey and all the trimmings fix! Pumpkin, on the other hand, will find its way into my week, I'm sure. I've got a nice sugar one at home waiting for a roasting