There are many facts to our situation inlcuding:
I am american, have lived here for over 2yrs, married for about 1yr
Dh is british, made redundant from a fab job back in April, contract consulting since (full time)
I just got my career going (pilates) and will be really busy this fall with teaching (very happy!)
DH is traveling and staying away for these consulting jobs, has had no other job prospects and isn't happy working and is unsure of his career future
So, Dh applied for a job in the US and is there now (today!) interviewing with them. They are going to offer him the job and I am very happy for him. Is is Sod's law that I would be the one pointing out the obvious hurdles we face? One being very selfish - that I am going to have to start over again (I already started over moving here)
This new place in the US - nowhere near family, very hot climate (Texas), friendly people
Our house here is up for sale (I am very very sad b/c I love this house) and we have only lived here for 9 mts! We are taking a big hit selling it and that is also dismaying. BUT we have a nice chunk of cash we are using to move that is saved from DH's redundancy, which is great.
I know it's up to us ultimately. I have expressed my feelings to DH, so he knows. I can't help but feel like this is a great opportunity, just horrible timing. That, or, I will just have to sacrifice again for DH and know that I will get my chance (I hope) for him to do the same for me one day. Oh the joys of choices