I think I know what the answer is going to be here, but just wanted to check if there's something I don't know.
I currently have three adorable gerbils who have lived with me for a year now. I need to decide if I'm going to find a way to take them to the UK or if I should give them to a friend or give them up for adoption. I don't want them to go through quarantine because I know that they'd be happier with a new owner in America than doing that, plus it's not worth thousands of dollars for a bunch of critters that cost me $10 originally.
However, I heard that you can get shots for pets 6 months ahead of time and then bring them. Does this apply to gerbils, or would I be wasting my time and annoying my family if I had them hold onto the gerbils for a while and then let me bring them to the UK when I have the chance?
I'd be really sad to get rid of them because they've been my little buddies for a year now
I even let one of them be in a short film I made.