Well, I'm no tax expert, but my understanding is ...
1) ...that the £30,000 a year fee to the UK government is ONLY if you still want to bring money into the UK on the remittance basis. That is, paying UK tax on it if and only if you bring into the UK. For those of us who don't even make £30,000 in a year, we'll be taxed on all worldwide income (the year that income arises) whether or not we bring it into the UK.
Yep, that includes that $10.46 in interest on your savings account back home.
2) ...that this really only impacts money brought into the UK. It doesn't effect money you earn here that is taxed here. I.e., if you work here in the UK full time and your only income is a £25,000/year salary, these changes would not impact you.
3) ...worst case, we'd pay the US tax, then have to pay any UK tax that's higher than the US tax. I.e., if we're in a 15% bracket in the US but a 22% bracket in the UK, we'd pay 15% to the US and 7% to the UK.