You are encouraged to add one or two pictures of the places that you've visited onto this board. It helps us all share and appreciate your experiences.
Some tips / directions for adding pictures:
1. If you can resize the pictures so that they're not too big (say 400 x 300 pixels), I'm sure that readers who are using slower connections would much appreciate it; that's something you'll need to do before you upload, so I mention it first. I recommend .jpg format, but .gif is fine too.
2. Upload the pictures to your own web space or somewhere else on the Web where you can put them.
3. Test that your upload worked, and find what the URL of the picture is (in other words, find what you need to type in your browser's location box to see the picture.
4. Make your post, including the full URL where you want the picture to appear. You need to add
open-square-bracket i m g close-squarer-bracket
before the URL and
open-square-bracket / i m g close-squarer-bracket
after the URL (Sorry folks - I've had to spell this out so that the board doesn't think that this post actually has a picture in this paragraph.
And - Voila - job done!
Q: My picture doesn't have a URL that I can get at it through; I have to fill in a form to see it. Can I post it?
A: Yes, but you'll have to upload it to somewhere else, I'm afraid.
Q: My picture is fine when viewed through directly but doesn't appear on the board. Why might this be?
A: It could be that the site you've uploaded to has a problem with people "stealing" bandwidth, so that you can't call it up from a site such as UK Yankee. Again - You'll need to upload it somewhere else I'm afraid.
Any problems - please post a follow up, or "pm" me!
P.S. An Example - the view from my hotel room as I write. Stevenage, Herfordshire, England.