Yes, it's a fantastic rate going from here to the US, but not so good the other way round!
I'd suspect the rate will fall further yet before any measures taken to safeguard the currency kick in. there are many factors, one bandied about alot is the importation of goods from china who's currency is 'linked' to the US Dollar. It makes their (china) exports do well, currently we are 'enjoying' importing our goods in using our US Dollar account. However, currently a combination of the Sub Prime real estate fallout, the high price of Oil barrels currently are causing jitters for the US dollar - I don't think it's at 'value crash' level just yet, but once these things start to pan out and prices fall (for Oil) and the housing market recovers over time, you can bet yer bottom dollar (sorry!) that the currency will make a recovery - probably over some time.
Hard to say of course what WILL definitley happen, but I'd think a little more value drop is to be expected before a turnaround occurs.
Lets see!
Cheers! DtM! West London & Slough UK!