We bought a Grand Champion lamb to butcher once... but Dad couldn't bring himself to kill him, as he was so cute. He ran around with the horses and cattle for years. If you want one, get some training in shearing. I tried a few times, but I nicked him quite a bit. And they sure need the shearing! (Also, some dogs go attack-crazy with sheep... have to watch that.)
Otherwise, I haven't eaten meat in a long time, but I don't remember NA lamb being at all smelly, whereas here it stinks like mutton. (Opinion, guys!) It seems like they have a different definition of 'lamb'. We usually slaughter at one year old, and I've been told that slaughter is at two here. I'll ask the butcher... it might be a difference in hanging time, as well. The breeds are basically the same, and they're all usually grass-fed.