Right now, we're enjoying Flight of the Conchords, Cranford, Ugly Betty, Californication and 30 Rock.
You could always get DVDs of shows you might like to watch. My library even rents them out at a low cost (maybe yours does too?). My husband wants to watch The Wire and the second season of Rome, and I think we'd like to check out Life on Mars and the UK version of Queer As Folk. And over the last few months we rented from Blockbuster online movie club all three seasons of Battlestar Galactica (I was so skeptical at first, and now I think it's the best show on TV).
Watching TV shows on DVD is great, as you can watch one after another -- no more having to wait when there's a cliffhanger! Are there any shows you'd like to check out that you haven't? Like 24, Lost or Heroes -- those shows would be great via DVD rental (I don't even watch 24 anymore, but I remember co-workers raving about how great it was to watch several episodes in a night). This could get you through until 2008!