Tristessa and Persephone from the Advocacy Team have posted here recently about the new Biometrics scheme along with upcomming changes in the Family Formation Programme. These have been known and in the cards for quite some time. You've also been advised about Lord Goldsmith's Citizenship Review, which is a bit further down the pipeline, but will require some advocacy from our side nonetheless.
Next week, Thursday 13 Dec, to be precise, Lords will enter into debate on the fees to be levied for the Biometric ID cards which all immigrants will be required to carry. They will also debate on authorizing the BIA to levy fees for Certificates of Sponsorship.
Both of these are entirely new revenue streams and are intended to pay for the new system. Although the premise of the debate is on the MM side, Lord Avebury will be speaking in the debate. What that means in a nutshell is that the Family Formation side is going to take some collateral damage.
ILPA will brief the sympathetic Lords prior to the debate, but once again we might be calling upon you (or your British half) to contact your MP's about it if the fee levels appear to be discouraging family life in the UK.
On another front, the proposed merger of UKvisas into the BIA has caused UKvisas to suspend any further American representation in the Entry Clearance User Panel. This is also deeply worrying because Americans make up the lion's share of HSMP applicants. And we may be back asking you to have your MP's question this irrational line of policy.
We're really grateful for the support shown in the forum to date.
Eyes wide peeps.