This is so interesting to read. I've had problems with this since I was 18 and had surgery removing an ovary. I had a couple times I ended up in the hospital with bowel obstructions. I haven't had the serious problems with my bowels in years, but still get some of the trapped air down there. It tends to get worse during my period when I'm gassier for some reason. My docs in the States from the last time I had a bowel obstruction (coupled with food poisoning--not a favorite day in my history book to say the least!!) said they thought there might be some scar tissue buildup from the surgery as I had no problems before that.
It doesn't seem like it's been nearly as bad here, but on reading that article, I might know why. It stated that peppermint tea on a regular basis can help. Well, I don't drink coffee or tea, but I keep some peppermint tea in my desk at work and in my purse so I'm not left out of the "would you like a cuppa" culture here. I also drink it at home. Maybe this is helping me.
You learn something new each day . . .