I have to be honest and say that I am here for a moan. I am desperate for it and my husband (he's English, I'm American) just doesn't understand my frustration. Sorry f I go on…
So here it is: I hate driving in this country (we live in England). I hate it I hate it I hate it. I don't know if it's because I have driven for 12 years and everything here is so different. Or maybe it's because I have to take my driving test all over again and this time it's actually hard (I grew up in NJ where you drive around a track for 10 minutes)!
I am taking my practical test on Wednesday in Slough and I am almost 100% sure I am going to fail. I've taken lessons with the worst instructor ever. I should have changed instructors but I admit it, I was lazy and now I am regretting it. I feel like they lock you in a little bit! But I know, I should have tried a different instructor:-(
I thought my driving was fine, and my instructor said he would be shocked if I didn’t pass on the general driving part. It's my maneuvers I was worried about! But now I think I've gotten the maneuvers down and my driving has gone to sh**! I just can’t seem to remember to put the parking break on every time I stop at a light (I drive an automatic), check my mirrors BEFORE I signal, not accelerate until I pass the speed sign, go 20 mph in a roundabout and the other 30 things I am supposed to be aware of while I’m driving!
I always thought of myself as a confident, comfortable driver but here in England I am the complete opposite. And I panic. In the silliest situations, I panic. For instance, we were at Tesco the other day and I turned the wrong way down a one way car row and I lost it. I didn’t know what to do next! I pulled into a spot and started crying with Paul sitting next to me completely bewildered. I just hate driving in this country.
If you read my moan, thanks for listening and Sorry, I am not England bashing because I like living here. I just don’t like the driving bit! If I didn’t have to drive, I wouldn’t but my job requires me to drive occasionally. So, I just have to get over it and try to pass my test. Okay, moan over!
Alissa xx