But on the month-to-month plan, can't the landlord raise the rent at any time? Or if they want to sell the place or know someone they'd like to rent to, they could give you two months notice and put you out?
We're very good tenants and no reason to evict us. However, several things have broken down in this apartment and we've had to call to have them fixed. We're afraid the landlords will want us to move out because things break down all the time -- perhaps they think we give things hard use? We don't give anything hard use -- there's just two of us, and we're pretty easy going on things. Each time something breaks down, the letting agents have to call the landlords to get permission to send someone out to have it fixed. There is no handyman for these apartments; professionals have to be called out each time. The latest breakdown was the fan and light above the stove. We reported it weeks ago, and two weeks ago I was told they (letting agents) were waiting to hear back from the landlords. So the repair situation is something we fear would make the landlords not like us, even though I never get pushy or over-heated when I have to report yet another problem, and am patient about waiting to hear back. (FYI, Our dishwasher broke early on, and the repairmen kept trying things that didn't work, which took a couple of months and three or four visits before they found the real problem; the stove heating element went out; the hot-water heater quit; and the switch that makes gas go on when you turn on the heat went out. All this was before the over-stove light/fan died). Even with all that, moving would be an expensive hassle we don't want.
Given these concerns, is a month-to-month still the better option? I always am afraid of being tied down to a lease, but the way things operate in this country are a bit different than in the U.S., and with an individual landlord instead of a corporation having to deal with repair problems, I get scared they'll want us to go. This is the first time I've ever thought signing another long-term lease might be the way to go, though I still see the appeal of the shorter lease.