Most of the stuff on that list seems to only apply to American airports (naturally, coming from Yahoo). Outside America, I've never had to remove my shoes or laptop, and my belt, underwire bra, etc have never set off the alarms. In fact, I find flying anywhere other than America to be almost relaxing, but going back to visit family every couple of years is just awful and soooo stressful.
If the other airports of the world with equal terror threats against them can cope just fine with me keeping my shoes on, why should I have to take them off in America (with no seats nearby to put them back on, grrrr)? To me it seems like they're doing all these inconveniences to give the illusion of security rather than actually catching anything dangerous.
Rant over! I just visited in August so I've got at least two years full of fun holidays before I'm shackled back to Pennsylvania again...