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Topic: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls  (Read 1391 times)

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Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« on: December 30, 2007, 05:06:31 PM »
Anyone have any idea as to how common it is to find a landlord that will let you decorate your flat with your own things/hang things from the walls/paint (gasp!)? The last flat we were in didn't allow such things, but it was a student flat so I wasn't sure to expect the same thing elsewhere for the most part?

Apologies if there's already a thread for this sort of thing!
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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2007, 05:30:00 PM »
a lot of landlords will allow it, however, if you paint, you have to paint it to the original colour when you leave, or if you do damange to the walls while hanging things, like nail holes and etc you have to repair it

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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2007, 05:38:51 PM »
That's what I figured *nods* I was thinking that surely not ALL landlords are as evil as The Letting Service.  [smiley=shout.gif]

Just a note; If anyone ever starts looking for a flat in Edinburgh, do NOT go through that horrible company. They're flat nazis.
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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2007, 09:43:44 PM »
We're renting privately, and the landlord not only let us paint the living/dining room, but she paid for the paint as well. It was DESPERATELY needed, though. We did use a neutral colour, and cleared it with her first, so we don't expect to need to repaint when we leave.

Every apartment we've ever lived in has let us hang things from the walls. We just had to spackle the holes when we left.

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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2007, 09:51:52 PM »
our landlord is fine with us hanging things on the walls and doing a spot of painting here and there.  As long as we don't leave any gaping holes in the walls :P
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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2008, 02:47:08 PM »
Mine is the same.  As long as we leave it as we found it, she's fine, and she will supply the paint to cover up any holes.


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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2008, 02:53:49 PM »
My landlord didn't let us hang anything on the wall.  We definitely wouldn't have been able to paint any of the walls.  It was not a student accomodation.  I think it will vary from landlord to landlord.

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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2008, 02:58:59 PM »
I think it will vary from landlord to landlord.

Definitely. Mine will let me do more or less what I want. I've put nails in the walls over the place for paintings and mirrors. It's my home, so I'd hate not to be able to make it look like mine! Landlords around here give you a lot more freedom, but also a lot more responsibility. If something big goes wrong, for instance with heating or plumbing, then the landlord would take care of it. But the tenant is responsible for normal repairs and upkeep.
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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2008, 03:07:43 PM »
No paint or holes allowed on our walls. Luckily, the color isnt that bad.  Its kinda of an off white color and the ceiling is white.  It came partially furnished as well with some nice furniture, so although i didnt really put my mark on the place... it is home and I love living there.  There were some hooks for mirrors and stuff that im guessing the previous tenant (or the landlord that used to live there) put in so we just use those to hang pictures and stuff. 

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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2008, 08:48:50 PM »
In the flat we just moved out of, the lease stipulated no hanging without permission of the landlord, but i put up 2 or 3 pictures anyway, and when I moved out, to my surprise, the leasing agent, rather than asking us to fill the holes, asked us to leave up the hooks for the next tenants to use! We did have £20 deducted from our deposit for one missing light bulb and for not leaving the shower door clean enough (we tried!).

In the house we just moved into, we happen to have a young, very easygoing landlord who is letting us hang things where ever we want. Hopefully he'll also be easygoing when we move out and it's time to get the deposit back!   


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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2008, 09:58:32 PM »
I need to look at our lease again but I think ours just stipulated that we are only allowed to use proper picture hooks and nothing else (no blue tack, nails, etc.) So far I believe we've just used the preexisting picture hooks but we plan on putting more up. I remember being amazed that it was in the lease but then again I've only rented from apartment complexes in the states and it makes sense when its someone's personal home.

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Re: Decorating/hanging stuff from walls
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2008, 11:31:33 AM »
It did seem very hard for us when we were renting to find a landlord that would allow us to hang things on the walls.  To me, it just doesn't look right to not be able to make it your home. And it does get frustrating. Fortunately our last landlord said we could hang pictures and even paint as long as we put it all back to a neutral colour when we left and if we didn't it would come out of our deposit to fix it.  Needless to say we fixed it all. 
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