Ashley, be prepared to shoot a lot of eye daggars. It's not only the "bless you" bits on the street. There's a general "No Eye Contact" rule and "Ignore Them if They Say 'Hello'" deal going on.
There are just certain things that are cultural that go on in every country, and we who have decided to come here to live, if we're not going to understand them, just do have to accept them.
Take a look at the HSBC advert illustrating my point. Showing bottoms of feet, showing palm of hand, giving two fingers, etc.
I'm not picking on you; I'm more speaking my mind to the wind. Frankly, the "don't understand? accept it anyway" advice is to myself and anyone who wants to learn from my experience (and I am still learning!). I adore my husband and we are so perfect for each other. But, I admit to some differences that cause arguments. As soon as we calm down, we realize we've actually been saying the exact same thing, only differently. Or that he was raised with values I wasn't, visa versa. By us coming together, we slowly meld into this compromise that becomes the best of both worlds.
Don't expect miracles with the stranger on the street (in any country). You might get a smile out of them, and that would be a great little bonus. But don't demand one. (It could be also they did not hear or understand, so they look up and only see you shooting eye daggars.)