Passed my test a couple days ago first time with 3 minors! I chose to take the test in my own car (automatic, never drove manual in my life). Beforehand I just called my insurance company to make sure I was insured for a driving test. I've been driving here since December last year.
Like others on here, I found the process stressful and I am so glad it's over now. I had a TON of anxiety about driving in the UK- the narrow roads, roundabouts, driving on the left.... so I ended up putting it off for a few months. As a result, I went two months without driving as I was over my year. I also went through 3 different instructors (them, not me I swear
). First guy was very rude and acted like he didn't want to be there, second guy was more easygoing and a better instructor but was shockingly unreliable. Third guy was the winner. I had about 11 hours of lessons total.
I had everything down with checking mirrors, feeding the wheel, lane discipline etc. but I was pretty nervous the day of, and as a result kept making other silly mistakes that may have failed me on the actual test. I tried to calm myself down after that. Luckily I had a friendly examiner and I'm pretty sure I got one of the easier test routes, so I think both those things worked in my favor. The test honestly wasn't hard, just need to remember all the things examiners look for and do it to a T.
So happy to have freedom again! No more expensive bus tickets and waiting for late buses!