I have never been a huge Chikezie fan, but I think he did a fab job this week. Not so much because the performance was perfect, but because you could tell he really enjoyed himself. And what was with Ryan completely losing it after his performance? I thought the man was having some sort of seizure or something!
I also think Simon hit the nail on the head with Dread Boy. I still like him, but he needs to mix it up a bit next week. While I still profess my undying love for Michael (sorry, Chary), he also needs to do something a little different. He's getting to be a bit samey, too.
David Cook is really growing on me. I love that he manages to do what Skunk Hair can't figure out - rock a song AND perform well. Although, after reading TWOP, I can't help but giggle at her 'singing to the floor' whenever she performs now. *hee*
Don't even get me started on blonde country girl. She is just awful, awful, awful.