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Topic: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]  (Read 26843 times)

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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #135 on: March 11, 2008, 03:07:31 PM »
Ah, but it means he's capable of thinking outside the box and choosing less popular songs because they're actually good songs rather than choosing faff because they were big hits

But I thought it kind of was a well-known song. Am I wrong?? It's been used in episodes of about 4 TV series I can think of! I don't dislike Dreadboy by any means. He's just not my favourite.

Like the aussie but as soon as he talks, he ruins his mystique.

Don't you talk that way about the future Mr. Chary!  :P
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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #136 on: March 11, 2008, 03:45:44 PM »
But I thought it kind of was a well-known song. Am I wrong?? It's been used in episodes of about 4 TV series I can think of! I don't dislike Dreadboy by any means. He's just not my favourite.

Hmmm. Not that I'm aware of, but I suppose I could be wrong. I always thought anything by Cohen was seen as artsy fartsy.... I actually had a, er, discussion that went on for DAYS with dh about it. He'd never heard it nor had any of his mates. We looked it up in the book of British singles and it was nowhere to be found.... The good news is that he's now playing it constantly.  ;D

See, this is my problem... I KNOW in the itty bitty tiny part of my mind that is logical and rational that AI is for the populous. Therefore I know David Archepelago is the logical winner. But every damn year I get sucked into the hope that someone a bit different, a bit smart, a bit... alternative... will come from behind and prove that there are people with taste out there in TV land (OK, that's a bit harsh, but I've always been the one being told the music I like is weird  :P ). And every year that hope is cruelly dashed on the ground. Sigh.  ;)

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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #137 on: March 11, 2008, 03:58:17 PM »
Hmmm. Not that I'm aware of, but I suppose I could be wrong. I always thought anything by Cohen was seen as artsy fartsy.... I actually had a, er, discussion that went on for DAYS with dh about it. He'd never heard it nor had any of his mates. We looked it up in the book of British singles and it was nowhere to be found.... The good news is that he's now playing it constantly.  ;D

I guess - heathen that I am - I know it more as a Jeff Buckley song than a Leonard Cohen one.  :-\\\\
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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #138 on: March 11, 2008, 04:42:21 PM »
I guess - heathen that I am - I know it more as a Jeff Buckley song than a Leonard Cohen one.  :-\\\\

Sad sack that I am I actually am a bit of a Cohen obsessive. I've got a book of his lyrics that I treat like a book of poetry.  :-[

But the thing is, Mr Anne hadn't heard of it as a song, period. I played him Cohen, Buckley, and John Cale versions and then, thanks to AbbyNormal's suggestion I even stuck the Rufus Wainwright version on his Ipod! LOL. Don't know if he's discovered that last one yet, but so far the Buckley version has won hands down which is not particularly suprising. Cohen and Cale are definitely an acquired taste at best.  :P I'm pretty sure I've got Bono's version on the compilation Tower of Song, but I haven't been able to dig that one out yet. It's vile anyway, but I like music education sessions.  :)

Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #139 on: March 11, 2008, 05:49:32 PM »
Sad sack that I am I actually am a bit of a Cohen obsessive. I've got a book of his lyrics that I treat like a book of poetry.  :-[

But the thing is, Mr Anne hadn't heard of it as a song, period. I played him Cohen, Buckley, and John Cale versions and then, thanks to AbbyNormal's suggestion I even stuck the Rufus Wainwright version on his Ipod! LOL. Don't know if he's discovered that last one yet, but so far the Buckley version has won hands down which is not particularly suprising. Cohen and Cale are definitely an acquired taste at best.  :P I'm pretty sure I've got Bono's version on the compilation Tower of Song, but I haven't been able to dig that one out yet. It's vile anyway, but I like music education sessions.  :)

Everyone in our entire family has the John Cale version on our ipods.  We consider that the definitve version.  ;) But then we're John Cale geeks.

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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #140 on: March 11, 2008, 07:16:04 PM »
Hmmm. Not that I'm aware of, but I suppose I could be wrong. I always thought anything by Cohen was seen as artsy fartsy.... I actually had a, er, discussion that went on for DAYS with dh about it. He'd never heard it nor had any of his mates. We looked it up in the book of British singles and it was nowhere to be found.... The good news is that he's now playing it constantly.  ;D

Leonard Cohen is an institution!    And Rufus wainwright's version of Hallelujah is the best...

A gross story...  my BIL married a cooky looney woman and when they were expecting, they went on and on about the name, and how it was so literary.  The loony's name was Suzanne.  They named the kid Cohen.  (all can gag now)

I love, love Jennifer Warnes singing Famous Blue Raincoat.  It is wonderful. 

His new stuff is really cool - but totally different.  He's with a Hawaiian woman and so his new stuff is a collaboration with her.  DH hasn't been able to find it yet on iTunes. 
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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #141 on: March 11, 2008, 09:25:50 PM »
See, this is my problem... I KNOW in the itty bitty tiny part of my mind that is logical and rational that AI is for the populous. Therefore I know David Archepelago is the logical winner. But every damn year I get sucked into the hope that someone a bit different, a bit smart, a bit... alternative... will come from behind and prove that there are people with taste out there in TV land (OK, that's a bit harsh, but I've always been the one being told the music I like is weird  :P ). And every year that hope is cruelly dashed on the ground. Sigh.  ;)

But last year, that did happen!  Well, as much as it can on Americal Idol.  Every week I was absolutely convinced that Tiffany Q. Teenybopper would never keep Blake on, and every week I was (happily) disappointed.  Yes, there were better singers, but none of them were as interesting as he was.  Keep the faith, Anne!

Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #142 on: March 11, 2008, 09:31:03 PM »
Leonard Cohen is an institution!   

One year at camp when we worked there, this girl heard Leonard Cohen for the first time.  And she was so blown away that she went around and asked every single person if they'd ever heard of him.  And almost all of the people who'd heard of him sang to her instead of just answering.  It was so cool.  And very funny.  One of our friends who was incidently English even made up a little song.

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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #143 on: March 12, 2008, 07:36:58 PM »
Please refresh me, what time, when and what channel is American Idol on now? Thanks.

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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #144 on: March 13, 2008, 10:13:39 AM »
ITV2 tonight at 10 and results show tomorrow at 9.  It's also on tv3 I think Saturday evening sometime (can't remember the time and their site is down) and they show both episodes back to back usually.
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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #145 on: March 13, 2008, 10:43:59 AM »
Thanks muchly!

Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #146 on: March 15, 2008, 05:40:23 PM »
Sooo, as much as I love him, Dreadboy is starting to be a bit samey to me. He was kind a boring.  I liked the Australian boy and the bad hair boy-and I've never been a huge fan of those two before.  And I'm just not getting Amanda.  Oh,and that country girl KILLED 'Eight Days a Week'.  That was dreadful.

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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #147 on: March 15, 2008, 05:45:03 PM »
I thought Simon totally pegged Dreadboy with his "college student at midnight" comment! Heee! I like him, but I don't love him. You're right - he's getting very samey. Part of me thinks he needs to shake things up a bit, but on the other hand if he danced around the stage and did a horribly peppy song, I think that would be far worse.

Is bad hair boy David Cook? If so, I loooove him. He's really good.

Country girl? Ugh.

There weren't many surprises, though, were there? The bottom three basically all sucked. But I thought the little Asian girl was dire as well. Any of those could have gone home and I wouldn't have minded.
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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #148 on: March 15, 2008, 06:39:05 PM »
I have never been a huge Chikezie fan, but I think he did a fab job this week.  Not so much because the performance was perfect, but because you could tell he really enjoyed himself.  And what was with Ryan completely losing it after his performance?  I thought the man was having some sort of seizure or something!

I also think Simon hit the nail on the head with Dread Boy.  I still like him, but he needs to mix it up a bit next week.  While I still profess my undying love for Michael (sorry, Chary), he also needs to do something a little different.  He's getting to be a bit samey, too.

David Cook is really growing on me.  I love that he manages to do what Skunk Hair can't figure out - rock a song AND perform well.  Although, after reading TWOP, I can't help but giggle at her 'singing to the floor' whenever she performs now.  *hee*

Don't even get me started on blonde country girl.  She is just awful, awful, awful.

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Re: American Idol 2008 [SPOILERS Posted After Friday's Show]
« Reply #149 on: March 15, 2008, 06:48:57 PM »
Although, after reading TWOP, I can't help but giggle at her 'singing to the floor' whenever she performs now.  *hee*

Hee! I haven't read TWOP yet ... I have to stay away from it until after the results show airs here, and then by that time I've usually forgotten about it!
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