ukmisgirl - there are photos in Community News, but here's a new one of him yawning!
As for being a mother - I don't even feel like one yet, as strange as that sounds! It totally hasn't sunk in, and I mostly feel like I'm babysitting for my husband's son, whom I happen to love very much. Weird. I'm having an absolute *niughtmare* of a time healing up properly though, I'm having to fight with the NHS about getting my tear fixed (it didn't heal properly and now they don't want to fix it), so that's totally affecting my mommyfeelings.
I've got another surgical consult next week though and hopefully they'll decide to fix me. BLAH... but still, Philip is adorable, and besides some colic (which we've got him on medicine for and it's already helped a great deal, apparently his colic is mostly a newborn lactose intolerance that he'll grow out of) and some wind - he's great.