I did mean the bus system by the "trolley." Either the doubledeckers or the tram. Vicky, we don't know exactly where we are going to stay yet, and have been talking to quite a few people on gumtree and a couple other sites. We'd like to stay in a moderately "lively" area of London and the place we are most interested in is on Westminster.
Lots of great information so far, thanks a lot everyone! Any recommendations on the distinct 'sub-city' to stay in? Somewhere somewhat centrally located and where we can easily go exploring to the surrounding areas.
jen252 I'm not sure I understand the context of your first paragraph and don't understand why you posted if you think I should just go buy some books and use google. Also, since clearly I am actively involved in this post, talking about me in third person is quite unnecessary. It never ceases to amaze me when people on the internet tell other people on the internet to go somewhere else on the internet, when they themselves are there. I'm the kind of person that will stop and ask somebody for directions just simply for the bonus of personal advice and to talk to another human being. Humans will always be able to provide better advice then a book or machine, they are also a lot more fun to deal with. I did in fact google airbus models and boeing models, finding that the boeing 737 has had several crashes in the past two years. I also looked at google pictures and drew the best conclusion I could. I also posted here, and rightfully so, for you have given me fantastic information. Information that I can take a lot better than a possible bias'd website that would have taken much longer to find. Anyways, thanks for all your input, and I think you've answered your own inner question as to why I am even posting these questions when you responded so informatively and well. And fyi I own several London books that I've been through many times, learning of your "salty paste" advice to meet people in pubs, curry and Indian food... basically lots of information that is neat, but nowhere on the scale of what I'm looking for and have so gratefully gotten here.
As for our reasons to going, they are mainly to get at least a general idea for living there, which is why I definitely want to ride the tube at least a few times. Of course, it's still going to be a vacation simply for obvious reasons, but it's not as if we are going to be eating out every night and drinking ourselves into a drunken stupor.