Thank you all for the very helpful advice! That did the trick--I entered our wages in the W-2 section (with employer as foreign address) and then clicked the box that said it was earned outside the US. I left all other W-2 fields blank, since we had no federal taxes/social security/etc withheld.
Thanks again for the quick replies!
I submitted mine yesterday and found out that I didn't go through the W2 foreign income section. This looked terrible so, I went through that scenario as well. There is no difference in the result and here's why:
If you look at 2555 before line 19, section B, there is an adjustment for the foreign income. This line is the same as entering it above, on section A. Section A flows into 1040 line 7 but not section B.
Now, that section B excludes the portion of the income for 85700 in the result and, using 1116, gives the necessary credit.
If one adds the foreign W2, it essentially adds to section A and to line 21 in the 1040, flowing from the 2555, line 45. Practically, what you added gets substracted later.
I have used TurboTax for about 15 years and this is the first year outside of US. The early release for this year was worse but, it seemed to have plugged all the gaps. I was hoping that the flows are more seamless but, this will do for now.
In the end, I have obtained the same tax results using the W2 foreign. So, it's your call.
My situation is with both US and UK incomes from last year, going just over 85700 but, thanks to my wife, made the cut with both exclusions.
Thanks for the posts and good luck.