Congrats! Did you have to attend an interview for your passport? What was that like?
Yes, I believe that all first-time British passport applicants have to have an interview now. My interview was very much like what Lola posted about on another thread - giving me the heads up.
I had to spell my full name, give my full address, and the reference number that they gave me for the interview. They asked me for my date of birth, my place of birth, what date I became a British citizen, and how I sent my passport application in to them (I did mine via the post office Check & Send service). I had to tell them each of my parent's names, their dates and places of birth. They asked me if I had registered to vote yet. They asked me several questions about my referee/countersignatory - his name, what he does for a living, how long I have known him & how we met each other, as well as how old he is. They asked me who, if anyone, is living at the same address as me. And they asked me to tell them any credit agreements & bank accounts that I have associated with the address where I live now. Lastly, I had to sign an electronic thingie for them to compare my signature on that with the signature on my application.