By far, my worst travel experience is this:
I had a 3pm flight to chicago o'hare from Indianapolis. I flight that takes about 23 minutes! For some unknown reason the flight was delayed by 45 minutes. By the time we took off, and were supposed to land I still had an hour and a half to connect. Well, we got to where we are due to land at ORD, and what do you know? There's a back log of air traffic so we had to circle the airport for about 50 minutes! We finally land, and I've got 30 minutes to make my connection. Except the jetway was broke. So after sitting for 15 minutes, the plane has to re park at another gate. So, now I'm off, with 3 minutes to catch my flight. I make it to my gate after the connecting flight closed the gates, by 1 minute! So I tell the woman, I just missed my flight, I need to get to LAX! So she said,, there's a seat on a flight to LAX that is boarding now, but its about a 5 minute run, if you can run fast. It closes in 8 minutes, and if you don't make it, weather is coming so you won't make it out tonight after that flight. So, I run my fastest, make it just as the last people were boarding. I tell the man there what the woman told me. He got me a seat, and I noticed on the ticket it said we were stopping in dallas. So I asked when it arrives in LAX, and he said "930" I then break down and start crying and saying "I've got a connecting flight to new zealand that leaves lax at 930!" so, sensing my panic, he looked up and said there was an 1130pm flight to new zealand, so he put me on that. So, I board the plane, land in dallas and sit on the plane for about an hour, then we take off for lax. We land at lax at around 945, which I thought was okay for making my flight. I get off, figure out I need to get a shuttle bus to terminal 2. Run down there, wait and wait. Finally at 1030 a bus comes. I get to the air new zealand stop off at 1045. I have to check in witb them, as I didn't get a boarding pass from O'hare. Well of course, I get a trainee. Who's slowly booking me in, and showing her supervisor how she's booking me in and asking if its correct. I asked the woman "are you sure I can make my flight? I still have to clear security again right?" and she said oooh no problem, you'll make it. So I finally am booked, it seemed like forever but it was only about 10 minutes. So, I run back out of the airport, re-enter where you go through security(I hate lax! Worst design I've ever seen for an airport) and find there are marked lines for certain airlines, and an unmarked line. So I asked a worker for one of the airlines that was marked, and she said "I don't know where you need to be" in a really snotty way, so I just chose the unmarked line, and later found out was the correct line. But I'm standing there for ages, listening to the dreaded TSA scream "no liquids! Take your laptops out of your bags!"...and of course as I was in the international section, hardly any of the people in line spoke english and either didn't understand what they needed to do to go through security, or didn't care. But, they'd get up there, water bottles in hand, laptops packed away(apparently the photos of these objects posted all along the line with a red line drawn through it didn't make the rules clear either)
Anyway, I'm about 6 people behind from getting through the line, and I hear the announcement calling my name saying that its final boarding. I hold out my ticket and showed the TSA that it was my name they had just called, hoping she would let me go through first, as I see them do at a lot of airports. But instead she glared at me and said "wait your turn", the airline calls my name 3 more times. By now I've been travelling forever, and am thinking I've missed my flight, and am just too defeated to even cry. So I just walk through metal detector, grab my shoes, and as I do, they give me one last call over the loud speaker! So without thinking I just grabbed my shoes, ran as fast as I could and the man was so close to shutting the door, but saw me running with my shoes in my hands and he asked if I was ashley g, and I said yes, so he let me through

I was sitting in a window seat. A man sitting by me, and his wife sitting in the aisle. Whenever I needed to use the bathroom(which was twice) he wouldn't get up! He made me climb over him :/ when I came back from the bathroom he grabbed my butt, claiming turbulence..there wasn't any :/ the second time I finally said "the seat in front of you is reclined, I really do not feel comfortable climbing over your lap to get to the bathroom" so he got up, begrudgingly
I then landed, 12 hours later in New Zealand, to find my bags never made it on my flight. But I made it to the airport, my fiance was waiting for me and I just was so happy, I didn't care! I went and reported my bags missing, and the man was so cute and sweet, it just put me in a further good mood. So, left the airport and we got to Hamilton where we were staying. The next day, my bags made it and were flown to hamilton airport where we picked them up.
Had a great trip, he proposed and everything

Then the flight back!

We took off, and the pilot came on saying there was a problem with the luggage door, and it wasn't shutting. So we flew for 30 minutes with him trying to shut it, warning us of loud noises/shuddering to come. After 30 mintues of trying he comes back on and says we have to dump fuel, and then will re-land at auckland. So we wasted an hour and a half, then relanded. And had to wait 3 more hours to get another 747 they could use. That trip I sat again at the window, with a very obese man in the middle(and, over in my seat) who I'm assuming ate something like chinese food with lots of onions, cos that's what he smelled like :/ he slept the entire trip, I poked and proded to try and wake him so I could use the bathroom, didn't work! Needless to say when he woke up for breakfast I was very antsy!

that was it, I'm sure I'm leaving tons out, but, that was a nightmare of a trip!