I am preparing to file my 2007 US Taxes. I was married to a British Citizen in August 2007, but, have not changed my name in the states. I also continued to be paid as a single person until I left my US employer on 3 November. I was a resident of the states until year end.
On my tax return (using TurboTax), I am listing myself as married filing separately. DH does not have a SSN or a TIN number and has never resided in the US. TurboTax is telling me that he needs to complete at 1040NR. Does he really need to do this? He has never resided in the USA. Should I switch to filing jointly? On one part of TurboTax it is asking me if I can claim an exemption for my DH. I can check all the boxes: He didn't earn any US income in 2007, he will not be filing a separate return, and he can't be claimed as a dependent on another return. Would that work? Would he then still need to file the 1040NR?
I don't think I can file electronically so, where do I send my return to? Austin? Or an embassy somewhere in London? Can I have my refund directly deposited into my US account?
I would like to file jointly next year as I have a rental property in the states (started in 2008) and will need that deduction granted for rental properties (up to $25,000, I believe), but, I can't take that if I file married separately.
Also, how does this affect my Massachusetts State Return? Sorry for all of the questions, but, I am so very confused!