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Topic: Using H&R Block TaxCut Online to file  (Read 1290 times)

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Using H&R Block TaxCut Online to file
« on: February 21, 2008, 09:55:50 AM »
Hi all,

Just a word of advice. Back in the US I used H&R Block TaxCut online to file my taxes ach year. Last year in the UK I filed myself. This year I gave H&R Block TaxCut a try again as it claimed it could file form 2555.

Well it cannot for several reasons:
1. If you follow their wizard it chooses form 1116 to file for you rather than 2555 although my income is well below the limit where I must pay US Tax. 2555 should be used unless I am trying to claim tax credits (ie for children).

2. The software is horrid for form 2555 and will not remember if I select 'I continue to live abroad'. It also files Housing and income exclusions when I do not qualify.. no big deal because I get nothing from them but it should not be doing it.

3. Their system is horrid at recognizing foreign addresses.

In short I finally got what I needed by ignoring ALL errors the system claimed I had, then it provided the proper 2555 for me to file (it also cannot do it electronically though they initially claim this).

In short... do not use them this year. :P
Greg Sheridan, MLitt BA

In Glasgow breaking things :-)

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