I'm wondering if my experience with this is unique.
Before I moved over the U.K. whenever my DH would visit me, he'd get really sick within three days. I mean really ill: nausea, bloating, constipation, the works. I just thought it was because he had an ultra sensitive gastro-intestinal system or something and it was just his issue.
Now, for the most part, I have an iron stomach. I hardly ever get sick, only had two cases of food poisoning in my life, etc. But every time we go to visit the U.S. (or anywhere across the ocean, actually) like clockwork, after three days I start to get sick too. And it's not like we eat healthy here but once we travel, we go nuts, because we don't well here either. Especially DH.
Does anyone else have the same experience? And any tips on how to deal with it? Any foods to avoid?
I don't even care that much that we both put on weight when we go, no matter what we eat. It's just the bloating and the general feeling of malaise that gets me. We're planning to go to the U.S. for six weeks this summer, and the idea of feeling like I swallowed a baloon for the entire trip is, to say the least, daunting.