A valid point....
In the UK, the word 'lawyer' is generally used to mean someone who is a qualified solicitor or barrister. I am a legal professional with 10 experience practicing immigration law, and am registered at level 3 with the OISC, which gives me the same rights of audience at the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal as a solicitor has, but, to be perfectly accurate, I am not a lawyer.
However, if I had to type the above every time someone incorrectly referred to me as a lawyer, I'd get really bored, and this thread would have totally gone off topic, so I let it slide.
I would like to apologise to everyone who was under the misapprehension that I was a 'lawyer'; I would like to apologise to everyone who is a lawyer and feel that I am trying to pass myself off, which I am not, and, most importantly, I would like to apologise to those who thought that THIS BLOODY THREAD WAS ABOUT DELIA SMITH.
Thank you.