First, the stats:
a) Moved to UK in Feb. 07.
b) I'm self-employed, with both UK (1) and US (3) clients.
c) I have one 2007 W2, for those 5 days of January I worked in the US.
d) Husband also has a 2007 W2 for that 1 month of January he worked.
e) In the UK, Husband works for an Actual UK Company that has deducted his (UK) taxes.
f) Husband got a tax statement thingy last April telling him how much tax had been withheld.
g) Prompted by HMRC, I did the online self-assessment for the 6 weeks of the 2006-2007 tax year I worked here. (I owed nothing.)
1) Do all of the above make our US taxes hopeless?

2) Do we need to do anything else in terms of UK taxes, as far as my husband is concerned?
3) Do I need to do anything else in terms of UK taxes, or assume now that I'm on HMRC's radar, they'll come to me?
4) US and UK tax years are different. Does this matter, or how does it affect us?
5) Does the IRS care if I had some US and some UK clients? (was paid in both dollars and pounds; all US checks went to US bank account, and UK checks went to UK banks, but I can't imagine that matters. OR does it???)
6) We had a fabulous tax preparer in the US. Assuming she's up on the latest US tax laws, is there any reason she couldn't prepare our taxes again even though we're now living overseas?
Once I typed these questions out, I realize they're quite random and maybe not even meaningful. But I just can't even figure out where to start. Is there something for me to "file" in the UK? Should I just start downloading US forms and preparing as normal, with the big exception that I have to add an extra 17 forms? Should I start praying that our Fabulous Tax Preparer says, "sure, FedEx everything over, I can do it all from here?"
Thanks for even bothering to read this.