Yes with property taxes at $6k (for the house mentioned) that is an extra $500 per month on your mortgage (quite high). Even more for larger houses in Roland Park. The problem is there aren't many smaller.
Thanks for the link for Homeland....interesting history. While the taxes are just as high as RP and there are huge houses there as well, some are smaller than what you would find in RP (a bit more variety, house size but the area is not as large as RP).
Just to give you a gauge on property taxes, for the house in Wyman Park for $310k (near the Rotunda), the taxes are about $ a bit cheaper even though when it comes to house value (size/cost/smaller area), not as good. That said, all of the areas that we have discussed are within the city limit so taxes are higher. Cross the Baltimore city/county line and taxes are cheaper.