I've got information comin' outta my ears! Between you gals and my in house attorney at work, I am heavily armed.
I guess the thing that frustrates me so much is....well loads of things in this situation frustrate me, but #1 is definitely, just the odacity of Nelson. I figured out that he has about 12 days a month with Elijah and he has already missed 9 and the month is not over. And he's the one that took me to court TWICE to get the visitations.
It's all doing my head in. But thanks to you guys and Al, my mind is at ease...for now.
We talked again last night and the answer was still no again. I even told him he should talk to a lawyer because they're going to give him the same advice I was given. He said the only way he'll sign is if the lawyer tells him to other wise (depending on his odds), he's going to "fight me" on it. He also had the nerve to ask me my lawyer's name. Since I lied and told him I was already being represented, I told him I needed to talk to her before I gave him that information.
<---me being cheeky...
My frustration also comes from, I feel like the judge is going to like my agreement, so why spend all of this money when we can just sign it for free. GGEEEZZZ, he's such a pain.
As far as your suggestions. I think it's only fair that if he's not paying for child care and child support, he should pay for half of the ticket. He'll be saving $500 a month.
Phone calls I can do, I am affraid to represent myself
, I'm going to meet with this lawyer monday to file ASAP, and unfortunately Al is homeless at the moment.
Not literally, but he lives in the flat above the his shop. He's going to try to get a mortage for a house at the end of year. Which is why I have to wait until next summer to move there. Plus we want to get married on our anniversary. (3/13)
I pretty much have all of this information and knowledge. I just don't know what he's going to try to pull, he's a sneaky little sh*t! He loves to lie. Last time we went to court he stated on his deposition that I stopped letting him see his son when he got engaged, which is a total lie. I actually like his wife, she a sweet lady. I don't know what possed her to marry him.
The moral of the story is everything just seems too perfect. I have loads of things to prove my case, he's still not showing up his visitations, and I feel the judge will agree with me. BUT what if he doesn't like I said, Al definitely can't live here and I would feel like an unfit mother to leave my child with such a neglectful father. I have so much to lose here.
Just a little stressed and emotional drained.