Good luck finding some sort of resolution. I have been holding my breath, because my ex is totally irrational (seriously, he needs to be on some medication, but won't.) I talked to him about moving a year ago, just to break him into it gently, and have repeatedly brought it up (because if I don't, he he forgot to come see the twins at all the past year, only the times I went to the UK alone and asked him to stay here with them, forgets to pay child support 75% of the time, and forgets to do whatever needs to be done to secure and keep a job! I am not being bitter or mean, really. He was a good high school friend and then 20 years later we married after a brief reunion for a brief few years, and I want him to be happy and well, but he really needs to take some medication and get some counseling. Phew, sorry!) Anyway, he signed the passport forms so that we could go for an extended stay a few months ago, and we are moving sometime in August on a year to year basis. He has been invited to come in the fall to visit and even stay at the house (we will head off for a week by ourselves, IF he shows up!) and I agreed to stay for 6 weeks when we come back at Christmas time before going back to the UK.
But, it is not easy. I sought some free legal advice, just in case (because he had gone back and forth and yelling etc.) and it would not be cut and dry that they would go with me, even though they live with me, hardly see him, he hasn't paid child support etc. and they are too young to live away from me or in some arrangement (like one year here, one year there.) I have always stayed at home with them...he even said that they should stay with him (he lives with his folks who don't see the twins either, or call about them, or even sent them birthday or Christmas cards) and IF he is working, they could go to daycare. He said it didn't matter to him that they would be with me daily, like always. And it didn't matter that he hadn't "exercised his right" to see them in the past; by moving them I am taking that right away from him! The situation shouldn't surprise me, as he has two children from a previous marriage that he doesn't contact for months, even years, at a time and who he is in arrears with child support for the amount that equals the average american's salary for 2-3 years.
For now, he is stable and agreeable that we are going. Seriously, I know he wants to be a loving, involved father...children are a joy and blessing...but he just can't take responsibility. So, a lot of his angry words are just "posturing" I think, and in some ways he probably is glad to be "off the hook."
Oh, BTW, I was told by the lawyer that I needed to write him a letter and both of us sign it ATLEAST 30 days before I leave the country with them. The letter needs to spell out whatever details we want, showing that it is a mutual decision, or else he can claim I "kidnapped" the children. I am located in Maine. I am sure this must be true in all states though.
Also, in my letter, I stated that travel would be paid by myself (for Christmas visit and summer visit) as long as his child support is paid in full. (He knows I will be coming back and forth anyway, to see my own family, but still I through it in there!)
Again, good luck! It is so hard when dealing with a parent that doesn't have their children's best interests at heart. Hang in there!
Warmly, geally