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Topic: TD F90-22.1 paranoia  (Read 1193 times)

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TD F90-22.1 paranoia
« on: April 30, 2008, 01:11:41 PM »
With the inflated exchange rate, it has gotten to the point where lots of us of modest means find that we actually had  a total of $10,000 in our aggregate UK banks accounts at some point during 2007 (maybe just for a magical day or two..).  Consequently, we must disclose all of our UK bank accounts to the U.S. treasury using form TD F90-22.1.  If we don't, they'll come over and kick in our doors and demand an automatic penalty of $10,000 and even try and go for a civil action that could lead to even greater penalties. Jesus.. OK, we send in the form and mail it to Detroit MI.  But, how do we know if they got it? Are we not entitled to some kind of official acknowledgment?  If you try and call the Treasury Dept. office in Detroit  you cannot get through.  Sending it as registered mail is no good because that doesn't prove that you disclosed all your accounts on the form.   I realize I'm sounding paranoid, but the US treasury dept. really do make a lot of scary threats on the TD F90-22.1 form notes.  Moreover, nowadays, one hears a lot of anecdotes about innocent lives being ruined by the US government's often incompetent campaign against drugs and terrorism. 

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Re: TD F90-22.1 paranoia
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2008, 01:26:47 PM »
I can understand your worry, but I think just send it, make copies for your records, and I'm sure all will be fine.

But I do know about the paranoia...when I was filling out my taxes, I had to read the directions a bunch of times for schedule B, before I felt confident checking 'no' to the foreign bank account question. It clearly said in the directions to check 'no' if you have less than $10,000 aggregate, and my name is not on any accounts with that amount. But I kept worrying 'well I live in a foreign country--they'll know I have an account here and assume I'm lying and come after me'

So, yes, I'm a worrier too.

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Re: TD F90-22.1 paranoia
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2008, 02:26:14 PM »
When I learned about this a few days ago, I had quite a time of looking through our bank statements for last year and trying to spot where the peak had been. Our bank doesn't issue a combined statement! ::)

At least our only foreign accounts so far are one current and one savings.
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