Gee, after having moved here recently I have just found out that the driver's test is quite a pain in the @$$ here in England! Let me get this straight, they want you to do a "theory" test then a normal test which you seem to be able to fail on nearly everything, even the way you turn the wheel!
How stupid is that? Back home I just went around the block and then came out with my license

And the cars, don't get me started on the cars, I didn't even know they made cars that small! I have had some lessons with a "driving instructor" (after 12 years driving back home

) and we are bumping elbows in it!
They have this stoopid rule where you need to check your mirrors before you do ANYTHING! Can you believe that? How the heck is what's behind you going to affect you going forwards? Then you have to do all sorts of other crazy things like checking "blind spots" I think they call them when doing their equally crazy maneuvers!
I have observed drivers here and not one of them drives like they want you to in the test! Why have such a crazy test and why shuffle the steering wheel in that crazy fashion if people drop all of this stuff and rightly so afterwards? And don't get me started on the price of the tests AND learning! I drive like everyone else here and I'm fine so why does the test have these crazy rules? This countries government is really odd, I tell you fellow Americans