I have a MacBook Pro, which was part the first group ever designed. I love it, but, sadly, due to improper usage by husband's who shall remain nameless
, the hard drive is failing. I am not a happy camper and the folks at the Genius Bar have advised not spending the money on the drive repair because they think there are other issues caused by said improper usage (he spilled liquid on it) and may not be viable once "repaired."
I don't have the money to buy a new MacBook Pro. It was the only functioning computer in the house. Would a MacBook be able to handle the tasks I currently do?
I have some pretty intense video and photo editing software, but, it was the first thing removed when the computer went a bit weird. I do play WoW (though very rarely). I run typical office type software (spreadsheets and word processing). I do use wireless internet and stream music through the house with Airport Extreme (yes, I am a dork).
Or, should I just switch to the iMac? The Power Mac is much more than I need at this time.