One of my wisdom teeth is coming in (yes, I know -- not a moment too soon.
) but the problem is, it's impacted. It's been showing up that way for over a decade. The last dentist I went to (in Cornwall) said not to worry about yanking it until it starts giving me problems since it hasn't actually progressed in so long.
Well, yesterday I noticed that part of it pushed through the skin! I'm not sure how I didn't know before yesterday, but it wasn't hurting or anything. And didn't feel differently when I brushed that area.
I'm pretty sure it's not coming in correctly but on Friday morning I'm leaving for the U.S. for a month and I'm not sure what to do. Getting it done before the trip is obviously not an option, and getting it done while I'm in the U.S. is gonna cost a fortune. I don't want to wait till the situation becomes acute so if I must get it extracted in the U.S. then I'll do it but I'd rather wait until I get back if possible.
So now the question: is it possible? How long do you think it'll be between the tooth cutting through the gumline and the tooth becoming a serious problem? Better get it done as soon as possible or can I wait?
Ideally, I'd get it done as soon as I get back to the U.K. (going private most likely since getting it done on the NHS will take forever.)