I think your friend should get a second opinion...especially about travelling so close after a incident with bleeding on the brain!..I would be in mortal fear if I was him sat on the plane with regards to air pressures etc..
That's what I told him, but he didn't seem to want to take my advice. He does only have 3 weeks left, so maybe he's already homesick and just said, okay, it is what it is and didn't question it.
Thats intersting..I have been told the same..and that we have to wait for the FLR visa
Ha, when I went to my GP to register, the receptionist never once asked me to see a visa or to see if I was eligble for NHS. She was like "What's your NHS number" and I said, "Oh I don't have an NHS number and she was like, oh that's fine, fill this out." Card came in the mail a few weeks later. She didn't seem puzzled by an American (and she was asking me where I was from in the states) was trying to register with a GP. (And this was in small village near Inverness, Scotland, not exactly mecca for Americans)