hi, oh yeah tip, but just becareful, espically in the taxis, most trips shouldnt be more then 10 LE ... if u are in traffic, then that is fine, maybe alil more, but lets say, 5 miles and normal traffic it will take u atleast thirty mintues, if it is busy, which is a lot. LOL. also if u dont speak arabic, they will immediately target u. one tip about the taxis, there is a number on the side of the taxi in english, its ususally on the back by the door. remember this number in case u have any problems with the drivers, if u happen to take the taxis, also most of them dont have ac

like the restaurants, the ususal tip.. my dh just got back and they charged him 10LE for shy that is tea. and the waitress gave him 3 LE back she kept the rest for a tip..... he didnt say anything, because in the sterling its less then 2£ and he was tired, but this is kinda of example, also in the street if u see someone asking for money take care, cause many will come near u.. and ask too... basically its the normal tip scale. just dont let them tell u differ! have a great time!