Finally I can join this thread!! I've been recording BB every day, but have only just caught up. Just in time for tonight's eviction.
I agree with most of what everyone has said here. I hate hate hate hate Alex. I don't find her amusing or entertaining. I just want her gone. And I'm so annoyed that she's not up for eviction tonight.
And I agree with Mindy (I think it was) about the total ick factor attached to the Steph/Mario thing. I think she did brilliantly to do what she did, and good for her for not kissing him. It was beyond creepy.
I couldn't believe he was having a go at Steph and ?? (one of the brunette girls) about their skimpy costumes, having no dignity, etc. while he was lying there with Lisa's hand down his shorts. Ugh. I hate him a lot.
My faves are Rex and the Welsh girl. I don't know her name, but she's the brunette without the child. I kind of like Darnell, but didn't know anything about the gang activity until I just read it here. That does make me question things a bit. Steph's OK. I don't mind her at all. I loved Dennis at first, but now I'm finding him a bit too much. It feels as if he's just trying a tad too hard to be his character.