I've decided to handle missing or incorrect information with a vet signed letter (with letterhead and all).
The FAVN labs made my boy Aidan 3 months instead of 3 years. The microchip certificates don't mention the location of the chip. The rabies vax certificate doesn't mention date of birth or microchip number. This will all be included in one statement that the vet will verify.
I agree with across, that the USDA is fairly flexible as long as the protocol has been followed (microchip, proof of date of microchip, rabies vax, blood draw showing adequate amounts of titer in blood). I went ahead and used the UK date system universally.
Make sure the vet signs your 98/2003 in a color other than black.
It doesn't matter if a different vet does the tapeworm/tick - just make sure they use the right brand of treatment at the specified amount. That's why there are separate sign/stamp boxes for the different steps.
Everytime I call the USDA (which I highly recommend for all the little confusing bits), I get the feeling like if everything looks legit - they will be fine.
It's such a worrysome process, but it's all going to be OK!