The Incredible Melting Man (1977)
William Sachs
William Sachs
tagline: The first new horror creature
A space ship (using stock footage from NASA) goes to Saturn, but something goes wrong. A astronaut with a moustache starts to shake a bit and has a nose bleed. So on returning, Steve (good name for a astronaut) gets turned into "the Incredible Melting Man" . He then escapes from the hospital and proceeds to kill people and eat bits of them! Also he has grown really strong, which is useful when your a radiative monster. So now he chases after a nurse who runs in slow motion( so she is easy to catch). He rips off a fisher mans head and throws it in the lake. The head floats down a stream and gets smashed open on the rocks over a little water fall (see its a classy film), this is also in slow motion. Some little kids try and smoke cigarettes and then play hide and seek, but they don't get killed. Just the little girl sees "steve" melting behind a bush and runs off screaming to her mum! I'm glad 'steve'' killed the comical old couple. Because basically you can see that they never went to RADA for their craft!
Also, one of the films highlights is a sleazy photographer trying to get his model to pose topless. He had a Starsky and Hutch cardigan and the young lady a glittery boob tube!
Anyway, "Steve" goes around dripping and at one point leaves his ear on a branch!
So our good scientist Ted Nelson (Burr DeBenning) goes after him with a Geiger counter. Which all ends up in a factory or power plant or what ever it is. They always look good when your chasing aliens or monsters.
This should of been made in the 50s in black and white. You can guess it was fairly, cheap looking gory nonsense. I remember seeing it advertised when i was little, now i've seen it. Do i feel more fulfilled, no not at all. That was 80 minutes of my life i won't get back.