We'd heard that BBC America had axed EastEnders?
They did! :\\\'( However, when I'm in the states, I just go to BBC.com and read teh blow-by-blow for Easties that's on the site...no dialoge, but it tells you just who's doin' what to whom...
Other things that a UK spouse may want to know is:
The office will likely be open between Christmas and New Year (except for some tech-firms and Boeing in Seattle)
Posting something within the country takes more than one day. It can take three-four for a town just 30 miles away
America is not like Friends. Or New York. Most of us live in SMALL towns or farming communities
Buying clothes or many things other than food and basic neccesities may mean an hours drive or more...remember, we don't all live in the city (1.5 hours for me if I want shoes...)
"Cell" phones are a better deal in the states (for the most part)
We are not as "text"-savy in the States...but it's getting there
There are NO CHARGES on the land line to call your neighbor or any local number
We don't have commercial free radio or TV...not even on BBC-America
We eat dinner earlier in the States...and generally have larger portions, too
24-hour diners...even in the small towns
Hersheys...but you can also get Cadburys everywhere...wish it were easy to get Hersheys in Scotland!!
But, the most important thing to remember is that no matter which country has which things that are better or worse, as long as the two of you are together, on the same continent, at the same time...the rest of it is just small potatoes!!