Ha! Well, I've been keeping it on the down low until the ring was produced, but screw that! I have to plan! We're booking the venue this week (which we toured when we were in the US in July) and we've told our parents and such. I didn't really want to make a huge announcement until I at least told them!
I would really prefer to have my mom and close friends around when I'm trying them on, but I don't think that's going to be an option, unfortunately. I'll ask my close friends here if they'll come with me!
That's a good idea about letting them know up front and just ask if they can fit me whenever.
Thanks C!
Just saw your post, Springhaze. Thanks for the info on alteration time lines. The thing is I'm leaving the UK 2 months before the wedding, but I'll stop in Ireland before going to the US. That means I won't be in the US until about a month before the wedding. Hmmmm....I guess I'll need to be in touch with the shop in the US and see if that's even possible.