Some of you might be aware that from time-to-time I sit with the Visa Services Directorate (formerly UKvisas) on behalf of Leah and UKY and represent American interests that have been articulated here.
From this engagement, I received a very friendly and informative email to us which I'll pass along the gist of...
Essentially, the go-live of T1 coupled with a staffing shortfall has resulted in delays. The consulate in Chicago was specifically mentioned (along with the BHC in Canberra, which is also hurting). Between the lines you would read that North America and Australia are getting hammered.
We knew this already, but now they are admitting to it; and moreover, they are deploying floaters. These would normally be IO's who service you at ports of entry - they are the ones who give you a landing interview and stamp you in (or bounce you whatever the case may be). They'll be deployed in to cover the gap. And that's fine because an ECM will still be boss of the shop.
So we can expect the backlog to start clearing out. Like I said last week, the party line is still 12 weeks.
So in the meantime the best thing you can do is LEVEL YOUR EXPECTATIONS! Chill. Don't buy air tickets and don't plan on a quick turn-around until the whole bulge gets sorted.
That's the essence of it.
They also sent some powerpoints that they were using internally which I will pass along to Leah and the Advocacy Team for what they want to do with them.
I hope that helps. Still, if there are systemic issues that we should be making representations on, then let somebody know.