Floating this thread to the top because it's CHUTNEY TIME, baby!
I've got a ragtag assemblage of leftover crap-from-the-garden: green tomatoes, chili peppers, apples, onions. I'm never going to find a recipe that exactly matches what I've got, so I've been trying to find a sort of universal chutney formula.
So far, my Google-fu has suggested a ratio of 3:1:1 or 4:1:2. That's fruit:vinegar:sugar. But I'm a novice preserver and I live in terror of giving my self a good dose of botulism. Also, some recipes call for sterilizing the final jars in a bath and some don't.
Any experienced chutnoids about?
I was never into chutneys in the States, but I've gotten terrifically addicted. Particularly since I discovered mixing chutney 50/50 with creamcheese as a dip. Ohhhhhhh.