Yeah, i'm sure his wife would think that was great!
Oops, he IS married isn't he?!! -- Sorry!!! STRICTLY fantasy realm, this one, in that case!
(Also, I hope it's clear I was kidding about the "hookup!" He does indeed live up the street but nobody here including myself would dream of being silly or inappropriate.)
Speaking of fantasy realm -- which is after all what a secret celeb crush is all about, mine is even more un-achievable: I have a crush on the very gay Alistair Appleton who presents "Escape to the Country"! I adore him. He's kind of everything I
would want in a mate if it was possible to custom order a partner (and if I were ready to even bother....!) -- he's intelligent but NICE, self confident but sweet with it rather than cocky, and he seems incredibly kind and above all decent. I love him to pieces. He plays for the Other Team but a girl can dream.