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Topic: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**  (Read 3402 times)

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Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« on: October 08, 2008, 07:29:57 PM »
Okay, you've been warned. ;)

I really need to get some complaining off my chest, so I apologize to anyone who is still happy with the show.

WHY OH WHY does Peter need to take Sylar/Gabriel's 'ability'?  HE ALREADY DOES THE SAME THING.  Just, you know, with less clean-up afterward.

Hiro is enough of a fanboy to know that when your father tells you NOT TO OPEN THE SAFE, you don't open the %#@! safe.  How many times is he going to lose that damn formula before Ma Patrelli has him whacked? ::)

Peter needs to go to one freakin' time and stay there.  It's been established that the timeline changes with every little fluctuation in events, yet he's happy to hop around time like an idiot.  Does he even have free will?


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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 09:48:36 PM »
And I think I'm one of the few people in the world who is NOT a fan of that actor, and extremely tired of Peter's not-smile-cuz-I'm-a-confused-and-intense-badass expression.

And Claire?  WTF?  Totally loved her as the frustrated teenager, now she's way overacting as a pissed off badass.  Kill Peter?  Kill anyone?  Ha.

And yes, Hiro, COME ON.

NOT clever recycling the Isaac take drugs and you'll paint the future idea?  Something new an d innovative please!?!?!  Like Series ONE!?!?!

I'm so sad.  This does not look good.

Not only do I not care about any new characters, I'm not caring much about the old ones anymore either!  Even HIRO!!!  Which is UNacceptable!!
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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 10:15:58 PM »
And I think I'm one of the few people in the world who is NOT a fan of that actor, and extremely tired of Peter's not-smile-cuz-I'm-a-confused-and-intense-badass expression.

I don't love or hate him.  His character, however, is almost too stupid to exist!

And Claire?  WTF?  Totally loved her as the frustrated teenager, now she's way overacting as a pissed off badass.  Kill Peter?  Kill anyone?  Ha.

I'd rather have annoying badass Claire than sulky Sylar-took-my-power-and-now-I-can't-feel-anything-boo-hoo Claire.

Not only do I not care about any new characters, I'm not caring much about the old ones anymore either!  Even HIRO!!!  Which is UNacceptable!!

I do kind of like future-seeing African guy.  The line about Jung was funny.

I don't understand why they've made Hiro stupid this season.  Previously he'd been more a wide-eyed novice, but now he's just plain dumb.  Sadly, that seems to be a running theme for just about everyone.

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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 01:31:12 AM »
I like the African guy too, and at first thought it was cool that he had the same ability as Isaac, and what connection might unfold there?
Take some kind of drug and put some headphones on and you too, can paint the future.
Yes, stupidity seems to be the underlying character trait.
It just all seems so silly now; before I was so impressed with how silly it should seem, but it was so very very cool!
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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 08:21:14 AM »
Peter sucks now, I just find him SO irritating.  He only has one facial expression.

If Sylar turns into a nice guy in this series I think my eyes will roll through the roof.

Future Claire needs a good slap.  And Mohinder (Mohinder has always needed a slap).  Matt has such a cool ability but they just seem to make his character into a complete bumbling idiot.  Not liking the bible bashing version of Nathan either.  I think for his own good he just needs to stay away from blonde women. 

I don't really like the new characters.  The African guys ability is just recycled, the new "Nikki" is pretty pointless too. 

Also I want to know where the girl from last series went, the one who could replicate any physical action she saw. 

Hiro and Ando are still fantastic, probably the only reason i'm still watching.

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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2008, 05:39:01 PM »
Also I want to know where the girl from last series went, the one who could replicate any physical action she saw.

Oh yes!  Wasn't that the cousin of - whatshisname - Nikki's son?  When she left him with his grandma and the bag got stolen? 

Re Nathan - did they ever explain what happened to his first wife?  Or did they just leave her behind in her wheelchair?  (I did miss a lot of Season 2)
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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2008, 10:47:51 PM »
I'm so non-plussed I'm not surprised this thread isn't 'taking off.'

And um, the chick, with Suresh, who DIED last season???  Was that um, mentioned at all?  Did I miss something there?

Most of these newer TV shows (in second or third seasons) seem to have really gone down after a first *GOTCHA* season.  They have a brilliant idea, but.... not thought it a few seasons through.
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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2008, 12:06:15 AM »
I keep thinking the African guy is calling Matt "fatman".

Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2008, 01:37:40 AM »
I'm still very much in "meh" territory.  Although it was nice to see Hiro not act like a moron for a bit.

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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2008, 02:00:53 AM »
I'm still very much in "meh" territory.  Although it was nice to see Hiro not act like a moron for a bit.

Me too, but is there a particular moment you're thinking of where he's not a moron?

I thought it was widely stupid of them to walk into a bar with whats-his-name without paying better attention to him getting so far away - I KNEW he would escape them, and it just happened far too easily.
And without a flinch, Hiro just stabs Ando?  Really?  Even if he knew he could stop/reverse time to fix it, still... a bit too easy... and obvious, knowing that this is one more reason Ando will turn on him.

Dumbest line of the night:  "I wish you hadn't said that." (now I have to put you in a web)  Suresh used to be able try and explain, justify, and talk to people... guess the formula messed with that as well.

I keep thinking the African guy is calling Matt "fatman".
I thought that too!!  I'd totally forgotten his last name was Parkman!

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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2008, 02:38:37 AM »
Me too, but is there a particular moment you're thinking of where he's not a moron?

The bit where he 'convinced' Adam to go along with them.  It's rare that he uses his powers wisely these days.

I thought it was widely stupid of them to walk into a bar with whats-his-name without paying better attention to him getting so far away - I KNEW he would escape them, and it just happened far too easily.
And without a flinch, Hiro just stabs Ando?  Really?  Even if he knew he could stop/reverse time to fix it, still... a bit too easy... and obvious, knowing that this is one more reason Ando will turn on him.

That (the obvious set-up for running off) didn't bother me that much as he had proven he could easily outfox Hiro last season.  They've obviously set it up so that Hiro's Achilles Heel is his complete trust in everyone.

As for the Ando bit, I just assumed that there was some sort of time-jumping thing they worked out to make it look like he killed Ando.  Speaking of... didn't they do that once before?  Sounds familiar.

Dumbest line of the night:  "I wish you hadn't said that." (now I have to put you in a web)  Suresh used to be able try and explain, justify, and talk to people... guess the formula messed with that as well.

They've turned him into a completely lame Hulk/The Fly hybrid.  I keep waiting for him to look at someone and say "Help me." ::)

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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2008, 05:08:40 AM »
They've turned him into a completely lame Hulk/The Fly hybrid.  I keep waiting for him to look at someone and say "Help me." ::)

Oh, stay tuned...
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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2008, 09:21:40 AM »
What happened to Molly?  We were wondering that last night...it was probably in Season 2 somewhere, I've just forgotten with the long gap in watching!
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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2008, 04:29:02 PM »
The little girl who could find people?
I don't think we know yet.  She made an appearance - four years in the future - with Matt, and I think that was it.
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Re: Heroes, season 3 **SPOILERS**
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2008, 05:01:28 PM »
Slightly off topic, but the guy who played isaac mendes (spelling) in the first series is in Merlin this saturday, playing Sir Lancelot
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