It's just that there is a core thought that many Secret fans have picked up on and twisted, and that is a basic judgmentalism these fans have brought into the whole "Law of Attraction" concept that is one of The Secret's fundamental concepts. They have oversimplified what gets a person into a downturn in the first place, emotionally or in solid circumstances, and made this basic concept be largely a blame-game. That's sick territory.
The lighter notion of just trying to find something happy in one's day, sure, that's not what I'm railing against -- it's certainly true that nobody improved their situation by NOT trying to reach for a plan, a goal, something to lift their spirits or get them through so that they can make changes, get help, get treatment, or an education, or rehab, or whatever they are going to need to turn their life around.
But "The Secret" is a tainted philosophy; I've seen horrible debates in which, as I've said, people are using it's basic tenets to JUDGE others and beat them up for their problems, and thus, I can't stand anything about this noxious book.
The "Law of attraction" is NOT a good thing to start bandying around to people for whom things are going wrong. People have sunk wholesale into taking that notion and pointing the finger at those who did NOTHING to "attract" what is going on in their lives.
Sometimes "sh*t HAPPENS" despite our BEST plans and most positive thinking. Secret fans have, in their hysteria, forgotten that.