I'm so sorry for all of my recent posts! As you can probably tell, I'm going a little nuts over the details of submitting my applications (spousal visa). My next topic is the cover letter! I'm an English major, so of course, I find myself with a multi-paragraph, 2-page letter to preface my application package. But I think the length may be justified by our situation. I should also note that I have a separate "table of contents" that is a simple list of each document included in the whole package. I'll paste the cover letter at the end of this post, but first let me explain why I think the details might be necessary.
-we don't have jobs waiting for us
-we don't have a house/flat waiting for us (hotel until we find one)
-we've both been unemployed since August (we're taking an extended vacation to visit with my family before we leave-- they're not thrilled we're taking the great-grandson with us

Okay, so here's the [extremely long-winded] letter as it currently is. Any suggestions or constructive criticism is welcome and much appreciated!!
Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for taking the time to review my visa application. In addition to the information in the application and supporting documents, I would like to clarify some points and provide more pertinent information.
My husband (UK citizen), son (US/UK dual citizen) and I are planning to move to West Yorkshire on November 19 of this year. My husband (Full Name) has been living in America since December of 2005 and received his Green Card in July of 2007. He still only holds his British passport, I hold a US passport, and our son holds a US passport and is awaiting his UK passport. We met online in October of 2005, in person in December of 2005, and have been married since February 26, 2006. We have lived together constantly since his arrival in the United States on December 19, 2005. Together we have a son, (Full Name) (born July 5, 2007) and a daughter due to be born in February of 2009.
Upon arriving in England, we plan on staying in a hotel, whose address will be provided as a supporting document, while we look for a house to rent in West Yorkshire, most likely in the Huddersfield or Leeds areas. Our finances are in order such that we are able to stay in a hotel for several weeks while we look for a home, but we also have confirmation from my brother-in-law, (Name), that should we need temporary accommodation, he is willing to let us stay in his home. Additionally, during this time my husband will be seeking employment in the area immediately. As his experience is in supervisory positions in call centers, we anticipate that he will be able to find employment within two weeks, since there are an abundance of call centers in the area. I plan to begin working part-time after giving birth, and full-time once our children are school-aged.
Regarding our finances, we have saved money and sold our car in the US in order to have enough to sustain ourselves when we arrive in England for quite some time. Additionally, we have several pieces of jewelry and electronics, including a computer, to sell before we leave the United States. We have approximately $1x,xxx in our savings, which will more than provide for us while we are looking for a home and my husband for employment, as well as to pay for 6 months’ rent in advance in addition to furniture and other necessities. We expect to gain approximately $x,xxx from selling the rest of our possessions that we do not intend to bring with us to the UK. My husband is currently unemployed as we are spending time on vacation with my family before we leave for England in November, but his last place of employment at our previous address in Overland Park, Kansas, USA, paid $x,xxx/month after taxes.
Neither my husband nor I receive any money from public funds nor do we ever intend or expect to. We currently have no financial obligations with the exception of our family health insurance, as we are on vacation with family. My husband had been steadily employed since September of 2007 until we mutually decided he would resign so that we could spend time with my family before we left. Prior to our current vacation, he was working two jobs concurrently by choice, not necessity, for extra spending money. He also intends to consider this in England as well. Neither I nor my husband has been married previously, and neither of us has any children outside our marriage. Additionally, neither of us has been charged or convicted with any crimes in any country.
Thank you for your time and considering my application for a spousal visa.
(Full Name)
So go ahead, tear it apart if you want!