KF, I know I am a bit late, but have been away from the boards...Congratulations on your visa approval!!!
I think I'm *almost* back to normal maybe now that my visa has been here for a few days. Once I get my ticket money into my paypal from my husband I'll book my tickets, then it's just packing a couple of boxes for my mom to send out once I'm there, and spending time with my family before I leave. I'm not entirely sure how my mom will react on the day I leave--she's pretty good with being by herself and she doesn't need company a lot of the time to be content. But, I'm her only child, and she won't see me for 8-10 months maybe (at least until 2010 when Steve's holiday time restarts), so I don't know if she'll cry or what. I know I'll probably tear up, but hopefully I can do that after I get through security so she doesn't see me.
Speaking of the hubby, he's going to Thorne for work on Thursday, and possibly Friday. From Daventry that's a couple hours drive, so I'll be bored to tears on those days since he'll be away from home and only have his phone. It's not like I won't live
I'll just need to do some retail therapy or something on those days, there's things I need to get before I come to the UK anyway and it'd give me and my mom time to hang out. And it beats the hubby not having a job at all--he was close to that a few weeks ago, but he's the most senior member of the staff and they were able to place him back in his old spot. But it definitely made the visa process a bit more stressful
And sorry for the wall of text--I'm treating this kind of like my livejournal